Tuesday, October 21, 2014

*****Star Struck*****

Good news peoples!

I've finally managed to finish a few pieces and well, there are a few that are still very in the raw, but that's just how it goes in the world of creation sometimes...
At least I got out of the slump I was in, good grief I didn't think I was gonna come out of that one!

Well it has been sort of a roller coaster of ups and downs like I've mentioned in the previous post but, whatever, I figured I'd just better make something regardless of what happens.  I also decided that it is time to get a move on and start working out a bit, so I went for a walk yesterday with the hubby and the puppies just to get moving.  I'm retarded, I should have done that quite a while ago...that little half an hour walk made me feel infinitely better...I think the hubby told me a quadrizillion time to start moving and I keep rebelling, but really...as much as I hate to admit it, he's right this time.

So I'm gonna subscribe to a gym that is a town away from mine, because it's the only gym that has this amazing super-built, flexible awesomeness instructor yoga taichi pilates lady named Deena. You see, I used to be super in shape a couple of years ago, until I moved where I currently inhabit and then I tried to find another Deena, and all of them couldn't hold the candle compared to her and I stopped exercising (poor excuse I know, but now I won't have one)...so screw the annoying drive (20 min. or so), I'm gonna have to go back there!

Now that I've vented a bit...

 I've been busy being contemplative and staring at the sky...especially at night.  Then it occurred to me that I had a TON of star themed little collections...especially mother of pearl stuff...I can't stop getting mother of pearl stuff, so be prepared for a future avalanche of items made of this materials.  I figured, while I'm still honing my metal-smithing skills it won't hurt to keep designing and hopefully selling a bit...even though I keep going back and forward with pretty romantic stuff and more masculine rustic thingies...

These were acquired last week when I went to Scott's Antique market in Atlanta...that place is so overwhelming it is insane! But it has the best selection of pretties I've ever seen...a lot of them are so expensive, but every once in a while you find a seller or two that are decently priced or that are willing to give you a discount, so I had to snatch these. ( I might share piccies, next time I end up there for your sheer curiosity)

 ok these are not mother of pearl, but they are so special...They are these amazing little Victorian brass buttons that I've been hoarding for almost 2 years! And guess what? They are also from Scott's! That's what actually happens when you start cleaning your studio and realize that you have a lot of stuff and decide to do something with it!   My collection of buttons is a bit crazy, so you're gonna see a lot of buttons reworked into jewels for a while, I hope you like them as much as I do...

So I also forgot about this other couple of things I got at Scott's once again!  This Amazing Star of Bethlehem brooch (perfect for the upcoming season) and yet another special Victorian steel cut button that I got there also (I swear, when I say that place is crazy cool and overwhelming, I am not kidding, go read Yelp! reviews...ignore the haters too).

In other news, crafty news, I've purchased this really cool tutorial from my jewelry making comrade Fanciful Devices.  The girl is so fearless with her making, I really admire her stuff and her fun personality...

So basically these are in progress, I will probably employ a few in my jewelry making, but I have a feeling most of these are gonna end up in my supply shop for someone else to use...as much as I'm enjoying soldering them, I'm not quite sure they are my style... but what the hekk! I like trying new things and I feel it was money well spent (her tut is available for purchase on her Etsy site, here if you'd like to try it out).

I'm very SLOW at making stuff...love the subtle iridescence of these, albeit they are still needing additional soldering (that's a soldering board in the background btw) and patina...  I'm also working on a "crazy chain" for class (will share later on, I promise...with a mega-fest of other things like ceramics and things from the previous classes).

Anywho, the star themed jewelry will be available on Etsy tonight, and I'm trying to figure out if I have time to stick a skull rope necklace in there before Halloween, if not, oh well, I'll probably still make it!

Thanks for following my weekly to biweekly yapping! I hope to start including some freebie smaller tuts starting next year...Sharing is caring!

whoa... this one reminds me of my Peki and my Lab...

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